Articles on adoption, foster care, & pediatrics

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Picky Eating

Three nice resources on this issue below. Remember: kids, and especially toddlers, fear novel tastes. It was adaptive when prehistoric toddlers were ambling around the jungle, but now, not so much. We often give up after a child refuses something 3 times, when it may take 10 or more non-coercive experiences with a new taste or texture to accept it. Make it look or sound fun, but don't force a child to eat particular foods. A wise pediatrician once said: "The two things parents can't control is what goes in and how it comes out." But you can control what you buy, prepare, and serve. These guides can help with the rest.

Start with the following links, and consider picking up one of Ellyn Satter's excellent pediatric nutrition books. If your child has consistent food refusal or oversensitivities to a certain taste/texture, poor growth, or coughing/sputtering/choking/painful reflux during meals, talk to your doc.